Wednesday 5 September 2012

A Conversation on Being Specific

Recent Conversation

Man: I have this rash on my arms and the thing that the doctor gave me doesn't work. (Note that the rash doesn't look like hives.)
Me: How long have you had the rash? 
Man: 2-3 weeks. The doctor also said that there was something I could take OTC but I cannot remember what it is.
Me: Do you know what medication was initially prescribed to you? Did the doctor tell you what this rash was caused by?
Man: No, I don't remember the name of the medication, and I do not have it with me. I also don't know what this rash is caused by. It's just a rash that's itchy. 
Me: Well, it's hard to help tell you what to do next if a prescription medication wasn't useful, because lots of prescription medications are much stronger than OTC medications, so anything I suggest might not work anyway. 
Man: Well, the doctor said I could use something OTC that was very good. 
Me: Was the rash due to an allergy according to the doctor, and is it spreading?
Man: I don't know. It was just a rash and it is getting worse. 
Me: Unfortunately you aren't giving me enough information about the cream that you used or what caused this rash, so I cannot really recommend something that might be effective for you unless I get more information. If in fact your prescription medication is stronger than anything OTC, then you might have to go back to your doctor for follow-up. Can you call maybe try to call someone at home and ask them the name of this cream?
Man: No, no one is at home. UGH. Nevermind! You are so useless!! 
Me: LOL. Ridiculous.

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